Roe deer hunting hunting report #29

European roe deer – Capreolus capreolus

The roe deer is the smallest representative of Cervidae family in Romania. As the countryside in Romania is much diversified, roebucks can be found nearly all over, apart from very high mountain areas and some very wet lowland areas. In the flatland of Romania, there are enormous amounts of roe deer. Their fur is reddish in May, June and their color becomes grayish in September. Their body length is 95-135 cm. Their height at withers is of 65-75 cm. The roebuck’s body weight (eviscerated) is 20-25 kg and the female’s body  weight is 18-20 kg. . The legal hunting season start on 1st of May and ends on 15th of October. The best time is in the first 4 weeks and in the rut , between 25th of July and 10th of August . In most areas the trophies bucks are of normal seize, that is to say with a trophy weight of between 250 and 350 grams. As this is a very special hunt, there are very few openings.

Romania’s best roe buck trophies:

1) 211.67 CIC points Prahova 1976

2) 204.62 CIC points Milcov Olt 1977 

3)188.83 CIC points Slatina Olt 1976

4)186.20 CIC points Cefa Bihor 1969

The open season for the bucks starts on 15th May.  Most of our guests choose this period, because this is the best time to get a roe buck.

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